How to create your own insect repellent spray
To make your repellent spray, simply fill a spray bottle halfway with vinegar and halfway with water. For added effectiveness, add 20 drops of essential oil or four cinnamon sticks. If you use essential oil, no steeping time is necessary, but if you opt for cinnamon sticks, wait a few days for the spice to infuse the liquid with its essential oils.
Use the repellent spray
This pet-safe homemade mixture can be sprayed on skin, clothing, and around plants to deter mosquitoes and prevent egg laying. It also doubles as an insecticidal spray to protect your home and garden from insect pests. However, caution is advised when applying it to skin due to the possibility of cinnamon-induced irritation.
Embrace the power of natural solutions
By taking advantage of the natural properties of vinegar and cinnamon, you can say goodbye to mosquitoes and other pesky insects without resorting to harsh chemicals. Protect your living spaces with this eco-friendly and cost-effective insecticide spray, which guarantees a comfortable and pest-free environment.