Mix SUGAR and SOAP in boiling water and don’t spend any more money at the market.


Remove from the heat: Turn off the hob and let it cool.
Add your optional ingredients (essential oils or bicarbonate) and mix one last time.
Transfer to a clean container (a bottle or an old detergent bottle / pump soap).
Let it cool completely before using. As it cools, the texture may thicken slightly. If you find it too compact, simply add a little hot water and shake.

How to use it?
For dishes:
Pour a small amount onto a sponge or directly into your basin of dishwater. The sugar helps remove stains, while the soap degreases.
To clean floors:
Dilute a cup of this mixture in a bucket of hot water. Use a scrub brush or mop as usual.

To remove stains from laundry:
Apply a little mixture directly to the stain, rub gently and leave for a few minutes before putting the garment in the washing machine.
For kitchen and bathroom surfaces:
Spray or apply with a sponge to remove dirt from sinks, taps, worktops or tiles.


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