You need:
Half a glass of bicarbonate
Half a glass of vinegar
Pour the baking soda into the sink, making sure to let a good portion of it fall down the drain. Then pour in the vinegar, which will generate an effervescent action when it comes into contact with the baking soda.
At this point you can take advantage and use a sponge to clean the internal surfaces of the sink: the combination of vinegar and bicarbonate is very effective in removing dirt, disinfecting and making the metal shine.
After about 5 minutes, pour plenty of hot water into the sink, to rinse and remove all residues, as well as bad smells.
To prevent the accumulation of food residues or other things in the sink drain, we suggest you apply this trick periodically, without waiting for the bad smell to form or, even worse, for the drain to clog.
With this trick we can apply an effective and ecological solution to bad smells coming from the sink at home.