Eco-Friendly and Economical: The Home Solution to Unclog Pipes


Second stage:

Add the rest of the baking soda and the cup of vinegar to the drain.
Cover the drain with a plug to take advantage of the chemical reaction and let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes. You will observe bubbles and foaming due to the effervescent effect of the mixture.
Pour boiling water again to rinse.
Repeat as necessary.

Scientific Explanation:
When baking soda (sodium hydrogen carbonate) comes into contact with vinegar, an effervescent chemical reaction occurs that frees the pipes. This liquid, when mixed with boiling water, dissolves fats and other impurities that could cause blockages in the pipes.

With this homemade method, you are not only solving the problem of clogged pipes effectively, but you are also opting for an environmentally friendly and economical alternative. Be part of the change towards more sustainable solutions at home!


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