The eggs, seeds, and nuts in this seeded bread recipe come together to form a delicious and nutritious loaf that can be enjoyed for any meal of the day. This nutritious bread is not only tasty, but also filling because of its rich texture. Come on, let’s bake!
Timing for Preparation:
Twenty minutes for preparation
Thirty minutes for cooking
Fifty minutes in total
Things needed:
Three eggs
Excessive salt
The ezoic
measurement of one cup, or 240 milliliters hot milk
1.5 teaspoons of psyllium husk
flax seeds, 2 teaspoons
The ezoic
pumpkin seeds, 2 teaspoons
sunflower seeds, 2 teaspoons
Sesame seeds, 2 teaspoons
The ezoic
around half a cup, or around 70 grams, of almonds
1/3 cup baking powder
1 optional clove of garlic
The ezoic
1 tablespoon of optional cream cheese
An optional little bouquet of dill
1. Gather the Seeds:
Throw the pumpkin, sesame, flax, and sunflower seeds into a bowl and mix them together.
The ezoic
For about 5 minutes over medium heat, lightly toast the seed mixture until it becomes golden brown. For more taste, add a pinch of salt.
Let it cool after taking it off the fire.
Step 2: Roast the Almonds: Preheat a skillet over medium heat and roast the almonds for around 12 minutes, or until they start to smell good and become a little bit brown.
The ezoic
Before setting away, roughly chop the roasted almonds.
Step 3: Get the Bread Batter Ready:
Get three eggs beaten into a foam in a mixing basin.
Combine the eggs with the psyllium husk, baking powder, and heated milk; whisk until combined.
The ezoic
When the seed mixture has cooled, add the chopped almonds and whisk gently until incorporated.
4) Preheat the oven and bake the bread:
Turn the oven on to 360 degrees Fahrenheit (180 degrees Celsius). Coat one big loaf pan or two medium-sized baking pans with oil.
The ezoic
Evenly distribute the bread batter into the molds or pans that have been prepared.
To get a golden brown crust and a clean toothpick when inserted in the middle, bake the bread for about 30 minutes in a preheated oven.
5. If desired, prepare the filling:
Two eggs, cooked until hard-boiled, peeled and sliced.
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